
Salvia officinalis

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Salvia officinalis - Echte salie, Common sage, sauge commune
Common name: Echte salie, Common sage, sauge commune
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Distribution: Mediterranean and Northern Africa
Hardiness: Zone 05
Life form: Woody
Comments: Medieval Plants Tour - This is what the Dominican friar Albertus Magnus said about sage: “There are two sorts of sage, domestic sage and wild sage. The power of wild sage lies in its roots, while it is the leaves of domestic sage that should be picked. The plant has coarse, wrinkled leaves which are quite large in comparison with the rest of the plant. The seeds of this plant are weak, and it is best to propagate via cuttings. The flowers of this plant are azure-coloured. Legend has it that the ancient gods ate wild sage to become immortal, which is why it is called Ambrosia deorum, which is Latin for ‘food of the gods’. This plant helps the blind and the lame, and relieves gout and dropsy. The sap can, however, make your hair fall out, in which case you should rub the ends of your hair with an extract of myrtle and saffron. Toads have a tendency to indulge in the roots and leaves of this plant; this can be prevented by planting some rue among the sage plants.”


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