
Rosmarinus officinalis

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Rosmarinus officinalis - Rozemarijn, Garden rosemary, romarin officinal
Common name: Rozemarijn, Garden rosemary, romarin officinal
Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Distribution: Mediterranean
Life form: Shrub
Comments: Medieval Plants Tour - The name ‘rosemary’ comes from the Latin ros marinus or ros maris, which means ‘dew of the sea’. The plant was originally found mainly in coastal areas. Rosemary symbolizes the memory of love, and the plant is also a symbol of loyalty. Rosemary used to be given to newly married couples at their weddings, and was laid on the graves of family members. Rosemary was often cultivated in the Middle Ages for its sweet scent and because it could be used in cooking. The medieval scholar Agnus Castus wrote that ros marinus was much like lavender, with long stems and tiny blue flowers. A person with toothache should keep the sap from this plant in his mouth, and the toothache would be cured.


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